You know my heart Lord. You know I want to serve you in every area in my life. I want nothing more than to be a sunshine for you … to be the woman you described in your word.
I want to be a godly wife and mother. But I have to admit Lord that I feel overwhelmed with the task you have put before me. I am feeling very angry and frustrated. I don’t know what to do or how to respond and react to the everyday situations that arise. I feel that oft times I do and say the wrong things. I am not a very good light for you. Often I feel lost and alone. I feel like I am drowning.
Lord why must this life be so hard? Why can I not get a hang of anything? every time I feel like I have made a step forward I feel like I take 20 back. When will I ever find some resolution? Please Lord help me! Be my guide? Give me your strength to carry on and to trust you.
I pray this in your Holy name and ask you humbly to hold me in your loving arms and embrace me with your protection from the evil one.
Love your daughter