BOAZ -- (enters wearing tunic and sandals, crosses to podium, reads) Good morning. My name is Boaz son of Salmon. The reason I called this press conference is to announce my engagement to the widow of Mahlon son of Elimelech, whom you all know was a land owner here in Bethlehem.
REPORTER -- This widow is the Moabite woman known as Ruth?
BOAZ -- That's correct.
REPORTER -- Ruth is barely beyond her teens. And you are an old man. How can you even consider marrying at your age?
BOAZ -- I am now this family's kinsman redeemer. According to levirate law, it is my duty to claim Mahlon's widow and produce children for Elimelech's family, since he left no descendants.
REPORTER -- In that case shouldn't you be marrying Elimelech's widow Naomi?
BOAZ -- Naomi is now beyond her child-bearing years. Our only chance of continuing the family line is through her son's widow.
REPORTER -- According to my notes, Elimelech had a closer relative.
BOAZ -- That's correct.
REPORTER -- So, shouldn't HE marry the widow and produce children for Elimelech's family line?
BOAZ -- He should have, but he didn't. So, it's up to me now.
REPORTER -- Are you angry with him that he didn't step up and do his duty?
BOAZ -- Not at all. The important thing is that Elimelech's family line was continued.
REPORTER -- Why did the first kinsman redeemer shirk his duty?
BOAZ -- Well, first, he's already married. He has a family of his own to take care of. If he married the widow, he would not only make babies with her, he would also be required to give the babies a portion of his property as their inheritance. Second, the first kinsman redeemer isn't really shirking his duty. His duty as kinsman redeemer under levirate law is to make sure Elimelech's family line is continued. He's not required to continue the line himself.
REPORTER -- Did he ask you to step up?
BOAZ -- No. I volunteered.
REPORTER -- Why would you volunteer to marry a woman who's young enough to be your granddaughter?
BOAZ -- Because I have fallen in love with her.
REPORTER -- May we quote you on that?!
BOAZ -- Sure. Ruth has shown herself to be loyal to her mother-in-law Naomi. She is kind and industrious. What's not to like about her?
REPORTER -- Boaz, I have eye-witness accounts that you were seen cavorting with that woman on the threshing floor last night.
BOAZ -- I guess you'll have to define cavorting. Ruth is not only loyal and kind, she is also a very virtuous woman. She has nothing to be ashamed of.
REPORTER -- But she was seen sleeping with you on the threshing floor.
BOAZ -- That's true. But it's not as tawdry as you make it sound. Ruth, as a symbolic gesture, humbled herself by sleeping at my feet as a slave sleeps at the feet of his master.
REPORTER -- So, there was no hanky panky?
BOAZ -- Absolutely not! There were dozens of people sleeping on the threshing floor after the harvest celebration. But even if there weren't ANY witnesses, Ruth has embraced our religion as her own. She is obedient to our laws.
REPORTER -- That brings me to another observation. Ruth is a citizen of Moab.
BOAZ -- That's correct.
REPORTER -- Don't you see that as a problem?
BOAZ -- Why is that a problem?
REPORTER -- Moabites are gentiles.
BOAZ -- Why is that a problem?
REPORTER -- The prophets have recently told us that the coming messiah, the saviour of mankind will be born in Bethlehem.
BOAZ -- I still don't see the problem here.
REPORTER -- Well, what if YOU turn out to be the ancestor of the messiah? Aren't you afraid that you could be polluting the ancestry of the messiah?
BOAZ -- Well, if that's a problem, I'm afraid it's already too late.
REPORTER -- What do you mean?
BOAZ -- I mean my ancestor Perez was the son of a Canaanite woman.
REPORTER -- So, you don't see a problem with further pollution of the family line?
BOAZ -- Not in the least. When God becomes a man in order to save mankind from our sins, the important thing for him will be that he becomes a man, not a Jew or a descendant of Judah. In fact, I think it will be a GOOD thing that gentiles are in his family line.
REPORTER -- How can that be a GOOD thing?
BOAZ -- Remember that when God promised Abraham that his SEED will bless ALL of mankind, his SEED meant the messiah and ALL of mankind will include more than just us Jews.
REPORTER -- You must be joking! The gentiles are unclean! You can't really believe that the messiah will accept the unclean!
BOAZ -- In God's sight we are ALL unclean. That's why we need a saviour. (exits)
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