The Virtuous Wife

The Virtuous Wife

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands. She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar. She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household, and a portion for her maidservants. She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard. She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms. She perceives that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not go out by night. She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle. She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet. She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Butt prints in the Sand

A parody of Footprints in the Sand

One night, I had a wondrous dream;
One set of footprints there was seen.
The footprints of my precious Lord,
But mine were not along the shore.
But then some stranger prints appeared,
And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?"
"Those prints are large and round and neat,
But, Lord, they are too big for feet."
"My child," He said in sombre tones.
"For miles I carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
But you refused and made me wait.
You disobeyed, you would not grow,
The walk of-faith you would not know.
So I got tired and fed up,
And there I dropped you on your butt,
Because in life, there comes a time,
When one must fight, and one must climb,
When one must rise and take a stand,
Or leave their butt prints in the sand."


Friday, June 21, 2013

QUIET #1 - An attempt at quiet time is not quiet

(SCENE: Mom enters, closes toilet lid, sits on it, down center, facing the audience, reading the Bible on her lap. Although all her children's lines a spoken from the wings, Mom delivers her lines toward the audience)
AMY -- (knocks on the door) I hafta go poddy.
MOM -- Amy? Amy, what are you doing up, you're not supposed to be up for an hour.
AMY -- Jeffy woke me up. I have to go poddy.
MOM -- Can't you use the other bathroom, sweety?. I'm doing my quiet time in here.
AMY -- Jeffy's in the other one... Oh, there he's out.
MOM -- Good. Now, you can both get back to bed. (looks up) thank you Lord. (closes her bible, gets down on her knees beside the chair, pulls out her prayer list)
MOM -- Heavenly Father, thank you for a wonderful husband and chil...
AMY -- Mom, Jeffy's going into the nursery.
MOM -- NURSERY?! NO! He'll wake up the...
BABY - Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Waaaaaaaaaaa. (cries continually)
MOM -- Amy, can you get Jeffy out of the nursery and close the door. Maybe he'll go back to sleep. He's not supposed to get up for two hours.
AMY -- Yes, Mom.
MOM -- (putting down her prayer list) Father, every time I ask you for more patience, you give me another baby. Is that your answer to my prayer or is that your sense of humour?
BABY - (cries more obnoxiously)
MOM -- Lord, PLEASE, put little Johnny back to sleep.
BABY - (Stops crying)
MOM -- Thank you, Lord.
AMY -- Jeffy's out of the nursery and Johnny's sleeping, Mom.
MOM -- thank you, Honey.
AMY -- I'm going poddy now.
MOM -- (Rolling her eyes) Okay, Amy. Lord, here are the people in our church who are sick or injured and need your comfort and heal...
AMY -- Mom, Jeffy's combing Fido's fur with my tooth brush.
MOM -- Jeffy, please don't comb fido's fur with a tooth brush. Okay. where was I? Healing...Healing... Paul Johnson, Mary Matthews, and Barbara...
JEFFY- Mom, I'm hungry. When's breakfast?
MOM -- I'll be through here in a few minutes, Jeffy, right after my quiet time. Can you wait a few minutes for breakfast? (beat) Jeffy? (beat) Jeffy? Father, I pray for our church building program. I pray for a promotion for my husband Bob. I pray for a 20 pound weight loss for...
JEFFY- Mom, how many eggs do I need for waffles?
MOM -- Two. Father, I pray for a safe trip for Jean and Joe. A healthy pregnancy for Mary, a 20 pound weight loss for... WAFFLES? (wide eyed, doubles her speaking speed while standing and moving toward the exit) I pray for wisdom and guidance for the president of the United States, the governor and the mayor. I pray for peace in the Middle East and in central America.
BABY - Waaaaaaaaaa. (cries increasingly to end of sketch).
MOM -- I pray for the success of the teen ministry and for more grade-school- and preschool- Sunday school teachers. I pray for new curtains for the living room. But, Lord, please don't send me any more ... PATIENCE. Amen. (Exits)
-Bob Snook-

Children sure have a way of teaching us to be patient. I find myself often asking God for Patience and to "Hurry up about it"!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Father's Love

A father takes his son into the forest, blindfolds him an leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own. The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him . Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man! Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm. We, too, are never alone. Even when we don't know it, God is watching over us, Sitting on the stump beside us. When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him. If you liked this story, pass it on. If not, you took off your blindfold before dawn. Moral of the story: Just because you can't see God, Doesn't mean He is not there."For we walk by faith, not by sight!!!!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Point of the Story of Mary and Martha

Have you ever noticed that the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) comes right after the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)?
There is a purpose in that — the authors of the gospels arranged their material very carefully, with thought and intention.
The connection between the two is not hard to see. The story of Mary and Martha is intended, in part, to correct a possible misunderstanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The parable of the Good Samaritan tells us how we are to be as Christians — we are to show mercy to others whenever the opportunity is before us, and indeed we are to seek out opportunities to do good and serve. We are to “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37), just as the Samaritan did. This is what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself” (v. 27).
But we could mis-apply that by allowing true service to transform into mere busyness. This is what we see with Mary and Martha. Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching” (v. 39). Martha, on the other hand, “was distracted with much serving” (v. 40). When Martha asked Jesus to rebuke Mary and help her serve, Jesus said “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” (vv. 41-42).
The lesson: Do indeed be radical in doing good, just like the Good Samaritan (v. 37). But don’t take this to mean that you should be scrambling around frantically, over-committing yourself and becoming over busy. We ought to sacrifice and endure hardship. But don’t let your service to others distract you from the ultimate reason for your service, which is Jesus himself.
Serve, but don’t be frantic. Sacrifice and go out of your way, but don’t neglect devoted time to worship and prayer and reading the Bible. The point of seeing these things together here in Luke 10 is that there is enough time for both. Don’t let your service turn into frenetic anxiety.
And here’s one other thought: We also see here that God values — indeed, requires — both action and thought. Radical action for good is illustrated in the Good Samaritan. And deep consideration of the teaching of Jesus is modeled in the story of Mary and Martha. Don’t play doing and thinking off against one another. Do both. There is time for both and, ironically, each serves the other.

Found this at this online site

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In your everyday life, is there any EVIDENCE of your Faith?

Salvation, works, evidence of saving faith 

(scene: small conference table, 4 chairs)
COP -- (enters dragging Liz by elbow, points to chair) Sit.
LIZ -- (enters handcuffed, sits) You still haven't told me what I've being accused of.
COP -- Don't play coy with me. You know the new federal statute.
LIZ -- Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about.
MEG -- (enters briskly, carrying briefcase) Officer, you should know better than to interrogate my client before she has legal counsel present. Anything she has said up to this moment is not admissible as evidence in court. (sits, to Liz) You didn't admit to anything, did you?
LIZ -- No, I have no idea...
MEG -- ...good. Officer, from here on, you will address all questions to me.
COP -- You lawyers make me sick.
LIZ -- Can someone please tell me what I'm doing here?
MEG -- That's a good question. May I see the arrest warrant?
COP -- (pulls warrant from pocket, hands it to Meg) Knock yourself out.
MEG -- (reading) Officer, I'd like to consult with my client.
COP -- Be my guest.
MEG -- (looks up from warrant) Alone.
COP -- (exiting) Alright, alright.
LIZ -- What am I being accused of?
MEG -- Violation of the new federal hate crimes act.
LIZ -- Hate crimes?! I don't hate anybody!
MEG -- (scanning warrant) Under the new hate crimes act, it's a crime to espouse any absolute standard of right and wrong behaviour. The leftists are using the popularity of hate crimes laws to outlaw Christianity.
LIZ -- They can't do that!
MEG -- They can and they did. The president just signed the new hate crimes bill this morning and you are apparently the first person to be arrested in this city. Do you have any idea of why they chose you?
LIZ -- Yes. I... I didn't understand the reason for it at the time, but this morning on the sidewalk in front of my office building, a TV news crew asked a bunch of us if we were Christians. I was kind of proud of myself that I was the only one of the five of us who admitted to going to church.
MEG -- Well, according to the new law, it's not illegal to go to church, only to be a Christian. Whatever you do, don't admit to anything. Let me do the talking.
LIZ -- (sees Cop coming) What's he doing with my purse?
MEG -- Do you have a warrant to search my client's purse, officer?
COP -- (enters digging through purse) Read the warrant, counsellor. It says we have the right to search her personal possessions for evidence relating to the charge. (pulls out appointment book) Yes, here we are.
LIZ -- Can he do that?
MEG -- (taps warrant) Apparently so. What is that? (points to appointment book)
COP -- (drops purse on table, pages through appointment book)
LIZ -- My appointment book.
MEG -- My client is not admitting that that is her appointment book, only that it resembles her appointment book.
COP -- (page) Uh huh. (page) Uh huh.(page) Uh huh. (page) Uh huh.
MEG -- Did you find something?
COP -- Uh uh.
MEG -- Good. My client is completely innocent.
COP -- (paging) Not a single entry in this appointment book has anything to do with church or anything Christian. I thought you said you were a Christian. Don't you spend ANY time doing church work?
LIZ -- Well, I...
MEG -- My client never admitted to being a Christian. She only admitted to going to church. It's still not a crime in this country to go to church.
COP -- (pulls checkbook from purse, pages) Well, if there's proof that she's a Christian, it'll be in here?
MEG -- What's that?
LIZ -- My checkbook.
MEG -- My client is not admitting that that is her checkbook, only that it resembles her checkbook.
COP -- (points) And does this RESEMBLE her name stamped in gold on the cover? (pages through check register)
MEG -- My client is making no admissions of anything.
COP -- (page) Uh huh. (page) Uh huh.(page) Uh huh. (page) Uh huh.
MEG -- Did you find something?
COP -- Uh uh.
MEG -- Good. I told you, my client is completely innocent.
COP -- (paging) Not a single entry in her check register either. I thought you said you were a Christian, lady. Don't you give any money to the church or to Christian causes?
LIZ -- I....
MEG -- (holds up hand to prevent Liz from speaking) The word Christian means different things to different people. Going to church doesn't make her a Christian anymore than going to a garage makes her a car.
COP -- (tossing checkbook into purse) Well, I'll be... Not a single bit of evidence linking this woman with being a Christian.
MEG -- Then, I think it would be appropriate to set my client free.
COP -- (unlocks Liz's cuffs) You're right, there, counsellor. You're free to go. (exits)
LIZ -- (rubbing wrists) I don't know how to thank you.
MEG -- (exiting) Don't thank me. I'll send you a bill.
LIZ -- (begins to stand, clutches at heart, slumps in chair) Gasp! (dies)
(Optional light cue: dim to near dark, baby spot on Liz)
AMY -- (enters hurriedly wearing white tunic) Oh, dear, I am terribly sorry. There's been a dreadful mistake!
LIZ -- (stands) Mistake? (looks around) Where am I?
AMY -- You're just outside of Heaven.
LIZ -- You mean, I'm... dead?

AMY -- Yes, you're quite dead. You died of a heart attack. And I'm glad we caught you in time.
LIZ -- In time? In time for what?
AMY -- One of the other angels saw you on television. She brought you up to Heaven because she thought you were a Christian because you said you went to church.
LIZ -- But I AM a Christian.
AMY -- No, I'm sorry, we already covered that.
LIZ -- Covered what?
AMY -- Just before you died, it was clear that there was no evidence to convict you of being a Christian.
LIZ -- But I AM a Christian. I told you that.
AMY -- No, I'm sorry. I really am. But if there is no evidence of your faith on earth, there's no evidence in Heaven either. (exiting backward) I'm sorry. You're free to go.
LIZ -- Free to go? Go where? I have nowhere else to go... (backing to opposite exit) Oh, no. Oh, no. OH, NO!
-Bob Snook-

Monday, May 27, 2013

If we Confess our Sins - He is Faithful to Forgive

SINS - Discipleship, freedom, 
sin, confession 

HIM -- (enters running, carrying TV remote control, stops, turns, crouches, ready to run)
HER -- (follows running) Give me that. (lunges)
HIM -- No way. (fakes, springs by Her, crouches)
HER -- (circling) You can't just steal it right out of my hand.
HIM -- Possession is two-thirds of the law.
COP -- (enters) Alright, you two, cut it out!
HIM -- (turns) What are you doing here?
HER -- Give it to me! I had it first! (lunges)
HIM -- (fakes, springs by Her, hides behind Cop, crouches)
HER -- Will you tell him to give me the remote control?!
COP -- Hey! I said cut it out! You two are acting like kids!
HIM -- I did it in self-defence! She's trying to watch my channel.
HER -- And he wants to watch MY channel. (lunges)
HIM -- (fakes, springs by Her, hides behind Cop, crouches) See what I mean? She's completely out of control.
COP -- Listen, you two, I'm not just here as your neighbour. I'm here as a Deputy Sheriff. The Sheriff called me and told me that the people next door called 911.
HER -- I didn't break any laws. HE'S the one who stole the remote control right out of my hand. (lunges)
HIM -- (fakes, springs by Her, hides behind Cop, crouches) Sheriff, arrest that woman. She's a menace!
COP -- Give me the remote control. (pause) Hand it over. (holds out hand)
HIM -- Oh, Alright!
HER -- (holds out hand) Finally, justice is done.
COP -- (resists) Not so fast. What's this all about?
HIM -- This is all our pastor's fault.
HER -- Yeah, if you arrest our pastor, I'll be glad to testify against him.
COP -- Wait a minute. I know your pastor. He's a fine and gentle human being. What's going on here?
HIM -- Our pastor wanted to show us what true discipleship is.
HER -- Yes, we're SUPPOSED to be modeling discipleship to the rest of the world.
COP -- I've got news for you. You're not doing a very good job.
HIM -- Well, we didn't think he could actually make it happen.
HER -- We had no idea he would go through with it.
HIM -- He asked the congregation how many of us would like to be true disciples of Christ...
HER -- And, of course, we all raised our hands.
HIM -- We had no idea he had the power to do such a thing.
HER -- But he did it. He really did it!
COP -- Did what? What are you two talking about?
HIM -- Our pastor told us that the true disciple has freedom in Christ.
HER -- So, of course, we all nodded. Who doesn't want freedom in Christ?
HIM -- But he said that freedom in Christ means that we are free to do anything that we would not be ashamed to see on television.
HER -- That seemed easy. I mean, compared to what appears on prime time television, what I do can't be so bad. Right?
HIM -- So, without thinking, we all agreed.
HER -- We had no idea he could make it happen.
COP -- Make what happen? You still haven't told me.
HIM -- Somehow the pastor has arranged to display all of our sinful actions and thoughts on television.
HER -- Mine are on channel 173.
HIM -- Mine are on channel 174.
COP -- No kidding!
HER -- No kidding.
HIM -- It's so embarrassing.
COP -- (points remote control at audience back wall) Let's have a look.
HIM & HER -- (shout, stand in front of Cop) NO!
HIM -- You can't do that!
HER -- Please don't.
COP -- (side-steps) Well, how else am I going to see what you two are fighting about? I have to write SOMETHING in my report. (points remote control at audience back wall)
HIM & HER -- (shout, stand in front of Cop) NO!
HER -- Please! It's too embarrassing!
HIM -- Can't we just... stipulate that we have some impure thoughts and let it go at that?
HER -- Yes, we'll admit for the record that we have... BOTH done and thought some things that we are not proud of.
COP -- Well, if you don't want your thoughts and actions to appear on television, I think I know a solution.
HIM -- You do?!
HER -- Tell us!
COP -- The Bible says, "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
HIM -- So, what you're saying is that the sins that show up in living color on channel 174...
HER -- ...And 173...
HIM -- ...those sins are... the sins we haven't confessed yet.
COP -- Probably. God doesn't remember your sins after you confess them.
HER -- Oh. That's... that's almost too simple. (exiting) I'll do that.
HIM -- Hey, that's a much better solution than fighting over the remote control. (waits for Her to exit, checks one last time to see if Her is listening) Listen. Ah, I don't know how to ask this... Is it... necessary that we... she and I... confess our sins... to each other?
COP -- I think that if you've sinned against Her (points), you probably ought to confess to her just to heal the relationship. But, I suspect that if your anything like me, most of your confession will be directed to God alone.
HIM -- (backs toward exit) Oh. Okay. Well, I'll just... (points over shoulder) confess my sins then. Sorry for all the trouble.
COP -- Glad we could resolve it peacefully. (when Him is out of sight, points remote control at audience back wall, pushes three buttons, looks offstage, then back to imaginary TV, pushes three more buttons) Rats. (exiting) That confession thing really works fast. 174 channels and there's nothing to watch!

1 John 1:5-10 (NKJV)
5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cradle My Heart: Finding God’s Love after Abortion

This woman’s words of healing gives hope even to my heart and I felt that I needed to share it too. Her name is Kim Ketola and she had an abortion back around 1978 and her story is touching and moving. But this quote is the one I want to share of hers …

“”A marriage five years after the abortion lasted less than a decade before ending in divorce. Kim remarried. Her second husband was interested in God and together they began attending a scripture-based pro-life denomination.

“As I would hear the sermons, it was just shattering because what my heart had known and sensed to be true … I was now hearing confirmed in scripture,” she said.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5), she heard on one occasion. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb,” (Psalm 139:13) she heard at another time.

But while the words of scripture beckoned her to begin a healing journey, Kim still had a long road ahead.

“There was no ‘child’ until that point. It was just too terrible to think about a baby or to try to picture a little one,” she said.

After being with the denomination for eleven years, Kim attended a discipleship retreat where a woman openly shared her abortion experience. At that moment, Kim knew that the time had come for her to acknowledge what she had denied and kept buried for so long.

“Someone confessed an abortion and that made it safe for me to share my secret,” she remembers.

Kim learned at that retreat that Jesus had died for her and all her mistakes, including her abortion. She learned that nothing she had done was so terrible that God wasn’t big enough, merciful enough, and loving enough to forgive.

“God released me. As that shame receded, something really beautiful happened: Christ affirmed for me that my child is safe with him in Heaven.”

She name her child Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us”.

For the first time, Kim was able to publicly grieve over her child lost through abortion. And then, from her new vantage point, she took a hard look at her broadcasting career, pursued at the expense of her God-given child, and saw it as so much sawdust. “”

It reminds me of Solomon for he too realized at the end that everything without God is meaningless meaningless meaningless. God alone brings meaning into life. Oh how much I need to hear those words. For I too have made many mistakes and I know that I may have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life! But I earnestly pray that God will show mercy on me and help me through the pain of those consequences when it comes to my children that I have lost.

I highly recommend that you read the whole story here …

Recommended book: Cradle My Heart: Finding God’s Love after Abortion

Thank you Father that you love me and have forgiven me. Help me now to learn how to forgive myself for my sin and selfishness. I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Want to Behold the Love of God


I want to behold what manner of love you have bestowed on me, that I should be called a child of yours! And that I may take comfort in that the world does not know me, because it did not know you either. Beloved Father, now that I am your child; and it has not yet been revealed what I shall be, but I know that when you are revealed, I shall be more like you, for I shall see you as you are in your full glory and majesty. And everyone who has this hope in you purifies themselves, just as you are pure.
Whenever I commit sin I also commit lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. I ask you to forgive me when I do. I know that you were manifested to take away my sins, and in you there is no sin. If I abide in you then I do not sin. Whenever I sin that means that I have neither seen you nor know you. You know me though and how much I desire to know and be your child for all eternity. Let no one deceive me, Lord. When I practice righteousness then I am righteous, just as you are righteous. You say in your word, “He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” please protect me and my family from the devil and his schemes. Destroy all the work of the devil that he has tried to do in my life and in the life of my family.
You also say in your precious word, “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” Sometimes this verse is so discouraging to me Lord. I try real hard to not sin and to do all you ask of me but I feel that at every turn I make I have a whole pile more of sins that I have done. Often I realize that the guilt I feel is not legitimate guilt but many times it is legitimate guilt. Teach me to know the difference and help me not to feel guilty when I am not guilty Lord.
You say in your Holy and inspired Word, “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” Help me Lord to Love others and to let you shine through me everyday so that others may be let to you through the work that you have done in me. Let my past and present pains be to your Glory and use it to help others know you and heal them of their pain. Let me not be as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous. You say that if we hate someone in our heart then we have murdered them. I know I would not physically murder anyone but Lord I do struggle with hatred at times. Please help me and cleanse me with your Holy Spirit. I beg this of you. Cleanse my mind and heart. They are both sinful by nature and only you have the power and ability to cleanse them Lord. I do not marvel if the world hates me because often I struggle with self hatred and I know this is not of you. Please forgive me and help me to learn to love the woman that you made me to be and to be the woman you made me to be. Help me not to be someone else nor to compare myself with others either. Whenever I do that I am not accepting who you desire me to be. Although many times I wish you had made me different but I am beginning to realize that I would just have a whole new set of problems, maybe not the same ones, but problems none the less. Problems come in all shapes and sizes. I know that I have passed from death to life, because you have loved me and saved me. I want to love others because if I do not love others then I abide in death and I do not want to abide in death. If I hate people I am a murderer and everyone knows that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. I want your eternal life abiding in me always Lord. By this I know you love me, because you laid down your life for me on the cross of Calvary. And I know that you also want me to lay down my life for others.
You say, “Whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?” help me to always have open hands and give to those in need. Even though many times we too seem to struggle with things. If I do give to those in need that is me not just loving in word and in tongue, but in deed and in truth. This is the loving that will really show through in hard times. And by this I know that I am of the truth, and shall assure my heart before you Lord. For if my heart condemns me, you God are greater than my heart, and know all things. And if my heart does not condemn me, then I have confidence toward you, Lord God. Whatever I ask I will receive from you Lord, because when I  keep your commandments and do those things that are pleasing in your sight that is when you also delight in doing something for me. Even if I never find out in this life or if I only will receive my reward in Heaven. And this is your commandment: that I should believe on the name of your Son Jesus Christ and love others, as you have commandment me. I want nothing more than for you to abide in me and that I may abide in you. And by this I will know that you abide in me, by the Spirit whom you have given me. Amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Family: "Quality Time" is code for "too busy"

(scene: two chairs)
AMY -- (enters backward carrying clipboard) Come in, please. (points to chair) Have a seat.
LIZ -- (enters cautiously, looks around) Isn't that funny? I've worked in this company for ten years and I never noticed an office here before. (sits) What's this all about?
AMY -- (sits) You could call it a performance review.
LIZ -- Listen. I hate to be rude. But I've worked here for ten years and I've never seen you before. Who do you work for?
AMY -- The boss.
LIZ -- The boss.
AMY -- Yes, now... Would you say... (reading form on clipboard)
LIZ -- ...which boss? Pendleton or Collins?
AMY -- Higher than that.
LIZ -- Higher than that?
AMY -- Yes.
LIZ -- Oh.
AMY -- Yes, now... Would you say... (reading form on clipboard)
LIZ -- You work for the president?
AMY -- Actually, you could call me a consultant.
LIZ -- A consultant.
AMY -- Yes, now... Would you say... (reading form on clipboard)
LIZ -- Oh, please don't tell me the company is downsizing and they hired you to tell them who gets the axe!
AMY -- Oh, your job is quite safe.
LIZ -- That's what they all say.
AMY -- Excuse me?
LIZ -- That's what they all say. And then in your next pay envelope you get a pink slip.
AMY -- Oh, I assure you, your job is quite safe. Now... Would you say... (reading form on clipboard)
LIZ -- Then why am I here?
AMY -- I told you, I'm here to give you a performance review. Now... may we proceed? (points to clipboard)
LIZ -- Oh. Sure.
AMY -- (reads) Would you say that you spend more time with the customers you value than those you don't?
LIZ -- Yes, of course! Wait a minute is that a trick question? How do you want me to answer that?
AMY -- The truth is all I seek.
LIZ -- You're sure this is not about a lay off?
AMY -- I told you. Your job is not in danger. The truth. (points to clipboard)
LIZ -- The truth. Well, of course you spend more time with the more valued customers. That's how you keep them as customers.
AMY -- (reads) So, you'd say that the more you value a customer the more time you spend with him?
LIZ -- (tilts head, pauses) I thought I said that.
AMY -- (reads) Would you say that the more you value a customer, the more you talk to him?
LIZ -- Well, of course that's true. That's how you find out what the customer needs. The more you talk to him, the more you find his needs, the better you meet his needs the more you assure that he will remain a customer.
AMY -- (reads) Would you say that the more you value a customer the more you attend to the details in his account?
LIZ -- Yes. Yes. That's true too.
AMY -- (reads) Would you say that a customer senses how much you value him by the amount of time, conversation and attention to details you give to him?
LIZ -- Yes. That's all true.
AMY -- Is that true for your coworkers too?
LIZ -- Why? Did one of my coworkers complain about me?
AMY -- The truth.
LIZ -- The truth.
AMY -- Yes. The truth.
LIZ -- (tilts head, pauses) Yes. I think that's true for my relationships with everyone in the company.
AMY -- (reads) So, you'd say that the more you value a coworker the more time, conversation and attention to details you give to him?
LIZ -- (tilts head, pauses) Yes. Yes. I can honestly say that.
AMY -- (reads) And your children? Is the same true for them?
LIZ -- My children? What do my children have to do...
AMY -- The truth.
LIZ -- The truth.
AMY -- Yes. The truth.
LIZ -- Oh, alright. As a matter of fact, my children and I spend quality time together.
AMY -- Quality time.
LIZ -- Yes. Quality time.
AMY -- Isn't "quality time" just a code word meaning that you don't spend much time with your children?
LIZ -- I really don't see what this has to do...
AMY -- The truth.
LIZ -- The truth.
AMY -- Yes. The truth.
LIZ -- Oh, alright. I suppose I could spend more time with my children.
AMY -- The truth.
LIZ -- Alright. The truth is I don't spend as much time as I should with my children.
AMY -- (reads) Now, if your children were your customers, would they be satisfied with the time, conversation and attention to details you give them?
LIZ -- (sigh) No.
AMY -- (reads) Would you say that your children sense how much you value them by the amount of time, conversation and attention to details that you give them?
LIZ -- (sigh) Frankly, if my children were my customers, they would probably have gone over to the competition by now.
AMY -- (reads) What do you intend to do about it?
LIZ -- I suppose I should probably spend more time with them. I should talk to them more. I should spend more time finding out what they need and giving it to them. It's what I would do if they were a valued customer.... But... I just don't have time...
AMY -- The truth.
LIZ -- The truth.
AMY -- Yes. The truth.
LIZ -- (sigh) The truth is I have vacation coming that I keep putting off. The truth is I don't have to work late every night. The truth is I don't give my children time and conversation and attention to details even when I'm home. The truth is I don't treat my children like I value them. The truth is I'm going to change all that, starting right now! (stands) I'm going to take the rest of the day off and play with my kids.
AMY -- (stands) Good for you.
LIZ -- Oh. You didn't have any more questions for me did you?
AMY -- No. I think we've accomplished what we set out to accomplish.
LIZ -- Good. (turns to exit) I'll see you around. (turns) Oh, wait a minute. I probably won't see you around. You said you were a consultant.
AMY -- Yes.
LIZ -- What company did you say you worked for?
AMY -- Oh, I don't work for any company.
LIZ -- Well, who do you work for then?
AMY -- (looks up slowly, drawing Liz's gaze up too)
LIZ -- (looks up) Oh, wow!
AMY -- Well, you have work to do. You'd better get busy. (follows Liz to exit, then exits upstage of her unseen when Liz turns)
LIZ -- Oh, yes. I do have work to do. At home. (turns, moves toward exit) If I treated my children as well as I treat my customers and my coworkers I wouldn't need a... consultant... would I? Where did she go? (shrugs, exits)
-Bob Snook-


I know I have failed my family Lord. Will you please forgive me and give me the chance and opportunity to make things right. Help me to give not just “quality time” but also “quantity time” to my children. I know I only have them for a short time. Thank you that you have entrusted them to me and for giving me a husband who desires to do this too and does all he can to make sure this happens. Amen.

POTTER - Two pots contemplate the sovereignty of God

(Two women duck walk onto the stage wearing large dark garbage bags tight around their necks with the bottoms cut out for walking)
ROSE -- Here comes another one, Lily.
LILY -- Another what, Rose?
ROSE -- Another vase, Lily! Another vase! It's over, I tell ya! It's over! We'll be in the dumpster by morning.
LILY -- Rose, you say that every time the potter throws another pot. You're cracked!
ROSE -- (pirouettes, looking at herself) Where?
LILY -- It's a figure of speech. Don't be so paranoid.
ROSE -- Well, do you think I enjoy being thrown over for a younger pot?
LILY -- THROWN over?
ROSE -- Now's no time for levity. I'm really chipped off.
LILY -- Chipped off?
ROSE -- Yeah, who does he think he is anyway!
LILY -- Well, for one thing he's the guy who created you out of a ball of mud.
LILY -- Actually, I've never seen him SLIP. All his pots are beautiful.
ROSE -- No, I mean SLIP is the wet ball of clay he started with.
LILY -- That's my point. He COULD have made you an ash tray. Or a paper weight. But, what he wanted was a beautiful vase.
ROSE -- I AM beautiful, aren't I, Lily? (pirouettes gracefully, admiring herself)
LILY -- Yes, you are. But instead of being grateful that you're both beautiful and useful, you constantly worry that a vase MORE beautiful or more useful will happen along.
ROSE -- I don't know how you can be so relaxed about it, Lily. You were once a beautiful vase too. Now you're a ... an...
LILY -- An umbrella stand. It's okay, you can say it. I don't mind at all.
ROSE -- I'd be cracking my glaze if I were you. I'd be all fired up...
ROSE -- Yeah, it would just KILN me.
LILY -- Kiln Me?
ROSE -- Yeah, when he just casts you aside, singing I'VE GROWN ACCUSTOMED TO YOUR VASE.
LILY -- Really, Rose, being used for an umbrella stand is not half as bad as having to listen to your puns.
ROSE -- But how can you stand it. It would be so humbling.
LILY -- You know, Rose, if you think about it, we're all HUMBLE whether we admit it or not.. The potter could have taken us out of the kiln and smashed us, all of us, into a million pieces. Or worse, he could have left us unfired, without any color or character, to wither and decompose in the rain.
ROSE -- Well, when you put it like that I don't have much choice...
LILY -- Oh, but you DO have a choice. You can sit around and complain about your color or your shape. Or you can gratefully CHOOSE TO BE exactly what you are and serve the potter cheerfully.
ROSE -- Alright, you're right. You're exactly right. I admit it. Let's go check out the new vase and tell her how lucky she is to be a POT. (both exit) Do you think she'll have a glazed look in her eye?
-Bob Snook-

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

STREAKER - Put on the full Armour of God

JUDGE -- (enters wearing black robe, crosses to bench or podium, pounds gavel) This court will come to order. Send in the defendant.
DEFENDANT -- (begins protesting offstage, entering backward wearing handcuffs) I'm telling you I'm innocent. I haven't done anything.
JUDGE -- (opens file folder, reads) Case number 546781. The charge is public nudity.
DEFENDANT -- (turns) Public nudity?! Do I look naked to you?!
JUDGE -- (pounds gavel) Order in the court. (pounds gavel, points gavel at Defendant) In my court you will not speak unless spoken to.
DEFENDANT -- But I don't even belong here. The cop who arrested me has obviously been smoking a foreign substance. Because I....
JUDGE -- (pounds gavel) I don't remember asking you a question. Would you like me to add contempt of court to your charges?
DEFENDANT -- No, Your Honour. I'm sorry. I'll be quiet.
JUDGE -- Thank you. (reads, inquires) Now, does the defendant meet the qualifications for this jurisdiction?
DEFENDANT -- What qualifications?
JUDGE -- This is a spiritual court room. You must be a Christian to be tried in this court.
DEFENDANT -- Well, I AM a Christian. That's why these charges are so obviously bogus.
JUDGE -- Are you aware that the Bible clearly instructs Christians to put on the full armour of God?
DEFENDANT -- Well, yes. But I don't see....
JUDGE -- But according to the arrest report you were seen in public wearing only the helmet of salvation and nothing else.
DEFENDANT -- I'm not sure what that means.
JUDGE -- That means you were guilty of public nudity.
DEFENDANT -- That's ridiculous!
JUDGE -- (pounds gavel) Excuse me?
DEFENDANT -- I'm sorry, Your Honour.
JUDGE -- Do you know what the armour of God consists of?
DEFENDANT -- Can you give me a hint?
JUDGE -- I thought not. Do you know what spiritual maturity is?
DEFENDANT -- Well, ah...
JUDGE -- Naked as a Jay bird.
DEFENDANT -- I beg your pardon?!
JUDGE -- Guilty as charged. (raises gavel)
DEFENDANT -- Your Honour, please! I... (softens) Your Honour, I submit myself to the mercy of the court. (head down)
JUDGE -- You once submitted yourself to the mercy of the Lord, did you not?
DEFENDANT -- Yes, Your Honour. I want the Lord to use me. But I'm not sure what he wants me to do.
JUDGE -- Were you waiting for the Lord to tattoo his plans for you on your forehead?
DEFENDANT -- Well, no. But what does that have to do with public nudity?
JUDGE -- One of the most important pieces of the armour of God is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
DEFENDANT -- Oh, so I should read the Bible?
JUDGE -- Can you think of a better way for the Lord to tell you what he expects from you?
DEFENDANT -- Well, no. I guess I can't. I guess I've been a pretty lame Christian, huh?
JUDGE -- Listen, if you go out into the world without putting on the full armour of God, you're naked and helpless in the midst of a raging spiritual battle.
DEFENDANT -- Oh, I'm SUPPOSED to be a Christian soldier!
JUDGE -- What kind of a soldier goes into battle wearing only a helmet?
DEFENDANT -- I can put on the other stuff too.
JUDGE -- Can you really?
DEFENDANT -- Yeah. It doesn't sound so tough.
JUDGE -- Putting on the armour of God is not something you do once and then neglect it. A soldier must put on his armour every morning.
DEFENDANT -- I'll do that, Your Honour, I really will!
JUDGE -- Very well, then, I'll suspend your sentence. (pounds gavel, exits)
DEFENDANT -- (follows) Thank you, Your Honour. I...
JUDGE -- Go... (flicks with back of hand) Put something on!
DEFENDANT -- (stops, looks down at self, gasps, notices audience) Oh. (turns back to audience, exits sideways) This is really embarrassing.
-Bob Snook-

Ephesians 6:10-18 (NKJV)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 
13 Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 
15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 
16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints— 

Monday, May 20, 2013


(Wisdom from a 14 year old)

Guard your thoughts
And guard your eyes.
Guard your heart,
Where beauty lies.

Guard your lips and
Guard your deeds.
Guard your words,
Beware of weeds.

Guard yourself
From all false love
And set your sights
On things above.

Guard your purity
And your life
If you want to be
A worthy mother and wife.

THERITA SMITH (14 years)
Windhoek, Namibia, Africa

Sharing with permission from THERITA SMITH

Friday, May 17, 2013


Lessons about witnessing from going fishing 

BOB -- (enters carrying fishing rod, casts line toward audience)
TED -- (shouts from offstage) Bob? Bob?
BOB -- (shouts) Over here.
TED -- (enters) Oh, there you are.
BOB -- Hi. Beautiful day for fishing. (nods toward audience)
TED -- Fishing?! I thought you asked me out here to talk about witnessing.
BOB -- Same thing.
TED -- I'm sorry. You're not making any sense. Did you just say that witnessing is the same as fishing?
BOB -- Yes. The reason you're having trouble with your witnessing is because you've stopped fishing.
TED -- You're serious. You really think that witnessing and fishing are the same thing?
BOB -- Well, Jesus seemed to think so. When he called his first disciples, he said, "Come, follow me and I will make you...."
BOTH - "....fishers of men."
TED -- I see where you're going with this. But Jesus wasn't being literal when he said that.
BOB -- Sure he was.
TED -- You can't really think that Jesus expected his disciples to.... (hooks finger in mouth drags self two steps away).
BOB -- (laughs) I'm not saying that Jesus advocated taking people by force. But there are a few strategies in fishing that can be transferred to witnessing.
TED -- Alright, I'm listening.
BOB -- Well, first of all, (points to person in the audience nearest his hook) do you see that fish there?
TED -- Yes, that's a nice one. Looks like a blue gill. Maybe eight or nine inches long. Definitely a keeper.
BOB -- How do you know that?
TED -- Well, I can see it. (points)
BOB -- Why?
TED -- Why?
BOB -- Yes, this lake is full of fish. But you can see just a few of them. Why can you see that particular fish?
TED -- Well, let's see. Because the water is shallow. And because it's close.
BOB -- If I was way out in deep water, would I know as much about the fish near my hook?
TED -- Well, no. I suppose not.
BOB -- But because this fish is close, I know more about him than I would if I was farther away.
TED -- I think I see what you're driving at. You think I shouldn't be handing out Bible tracks to strangers on street corners?
BOB -- I didn't say that. You told me that you were discouraged with your witnessing. I'm saying that your chances of catching a fish are better if you know something about the fish you're trying to catch.
TED -- So, what you're saying is, the reason I'm getting discouraged is because I'm witnessing to strangers, rather than people I know?
BOB -- Exactly.
TED -- (turns to exit) Thanks, Bob. Good advice.
BOB -- But that's just part of your problem.
TED -- (turns back) It is?
BOB -- Yes. Can you see what bate I have on my hook? (points)
TED -- Yes. It's a worm. I can see it wiggling.
BOB -- Do you think I would catch many sharks with a worm?
TED -- Probably not. But I'm not sure what your choice of BAIT has to do with witnessing.
BOB -- The bait we offer to unbelievers is TRUTH. It's a rare commodity in today's world. And people are hungry for truth.
TED -- Well, when I hand out Bible tracts, I'm handing out TRUTH, right?
BOB -- Yes, and because of that truth some of those people will become Christians. But just like fishing, you will increase your chances of catching a fish by using the right bate for the right fish.
TED -- You lost me.
BOB -- Let me give you an example. Suppose a man is in a financial crisis. Is he more likely to be attracted to the promise of eternal life after he dies or to a promise that God will provide for those who trust him, while he is still alive?
TED -- I see what you mean. Obviously, when a man is in a financial crisis, all he can think about is how he's going to pay his bills. To an unbeliever at that moment, eternal life is the last thing on his mind.
BOB -- Now you're catching on. But how will you know that a person is having a financial crisis?
TED -- I guess that means I'll have to develop friendships with non-believers... (points to fish in audience) so I know their habits, their depth, what they hunger for.
BOB -- Now, you're becoming a fisherman.
TED -- While we're on the subject, which Bible verse do I use for a financial crisis?
BOB -- Is that what Peter said "Always be prepared to give a BIBLE VERSE to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have"?
TED -- No, 1 Peter 3:15 says "Always be prepared to give AN ANSWER to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
BOB -- If you were a non-believer in financial difficulty which do you think would be more attractive to you: a Bible verse or a real life example from your friend's life that showed how trusting God made the difference?
TED -- Boy, no wonder my witnessing has been such a miserable failure. I've been a lousy fisherman. (turns to exit) Thanks, Bob!
BOB -- You're not a fisherman yet.
TED -- (turns) I'm not. What do you mean?
BOB -- Look at our friend Mr Blue Gill, there. (points)
TED -- What about him?
BOB -- I've been dangling that delicious worm in front of his nose for several minutes now and he still hasn't taken the bate.
TED -- I suppose this is your way of telling me to be patient.
BOB -- Patience is not a bad virtue in witnessing. But you have to look at patience from the fish's point of view. A blue gill doesn't live long enough to become eight or nine inches long by being stupid. He has watched some of his brothers and sisters be deceived by attractive looking fakes.
TED -- Fakes. You mean like the non-Christian cults?
BOB -- Yes, and even some unloving Christians, who forget that when Jesus told us to be fishers of men, he wasn't talking about spear fishing.
TED -- I would never use force....
BOB -- Have you ever tried to shame an unbeliever into salvation?
TED -- Now that you mention it....
BOB -- Did you have much success?
TED -- (sigh) No.
BOB -- In the end, the fisherman has no control over whether the fish will take the bate. We have to leave that....
BOTH - God.
TED -- Boy, you really took a load off my shoulders. I was holding myself responsible for the fish's response. I have no control over that.
BOB -- You're sounding more and more like a fisherman all the time.
TED -- Alright, Bob, I resolve that I will spend less time worrying about whether my fish will take the bate and more time offering them attractive bate.
BOB -- Good for you. (whisks Ted away) Well, what are you waiting for? Go fishing!
TED -- (backs away) Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that! Thanks again! (exits) (audience member hooks a fish onto Bob's line, tugs)
BOB -- (pulls in line and fish, singing, exiting) I will make you fishers of men, fishers of men, fishers of men. I will make you fishers of men if you follow me....
-Bob Snook-

Matthew 4:18-22 (NKJV)
18 And Jesus, walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.
19 Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
20 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.
21 Going on from there, He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets. He called them,
22 and immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him.


Galatians 6 (NKJV)
1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
5 For each one shall bear his own load.
6 Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
11 See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand!
12 As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13 For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.
14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.
16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
17 From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

Here is a story I found on Facebook that I think goes very well with this Bible passage ...

Good morning said a woman as she walked up to the man sitting on the ground.

The man slowly looked up.

This was a woman clearly accustomed to the finer things of life. Her coat was new.. She looked like she had never missed a meal in her life.

His first thought was that she wanted to make fun of him, like so many others had done before.. "Leave me alone," he growled....

To his amazement, the woman continued standing.

She was smiling -- her even white teeth displayed in dazzling rows. "Are you hungry?" she asked.

"No," he answered sarcastically. "I've just come from dining with the president. Now go away."

The woman's smile became even broader. Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm.

"What are you doing, lady?" the man asked angrily. "I said to leave me alone.

Just then a policeman came up. "Is there any problem, ma'am?" he asked..

"No problem here, officer," the woman answered. "I'm just trying to get this man to his feet. Will you help me?"

The officer scratched his head. "That's old Jack. He's been a fixture around here for a couple of years. What do you want with him?"

"See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'm going to get him something to eat and get him out of the cold for awhile."

"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I don't want to go in there!" Then he felt strong hands grab his other arm and lift him up. "Let me go, officer. I didn't do anything."

"This is a good deal for you, Jack" the officer answered. "Don't blow it.."

Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the police officer got Jack into the cafeteria and sat him at a table in a remote corner. It was the middle of the morning, so most of the breakfast crowd had already left and the lunch bunch had not yet arrived...

The manager strode across the cafeteria and stood by his table. "What's going on here, officer?" he asked. "What is all this, is this man in trouble?"

"This lady brought this man in here to be fed," the policeman answered.

"Not in here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for business.."

Old Jack smiled a toothless grin. "See, lady. I told you so. Now if you'll let me go. I didn't want to come here in the first place."

The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled....... "Sir, are you familiar with Eddy and Associates, the banking firm down the street?"

"Of course I am," the manager answered impatiently. "They hold their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms."

"And do you make a godly amount of money providing food at these weekly meetings?"

"What business is that of yours?"

I, sir, am Penelope Eddy, president and CEO of the company."


The woman smiled again. "I thought that might make a difference." She glanced at the cop who was busy stifling a giggle. "Would you like to join us in a cup of coffee and a meal, officer?"

"No thanks, ma'am," the officer replied. "I'm on duty."

"Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"

"Yes, ma’am. That would be very nice."

The cafeteria manager turned on his heel, "I'll get your coffee for you right away, officer."

The officer watched him walk away. "You certainly put him in his place," he said.

"That was not my intent. Believe it or not, I have a reason for all this."

She sat down at the table across from her amazed dinner guest. She stared at him intently.. "Jack, do you remember me?"

Old Jack searched her face with his old, rheumy eyes. "I think so -- I mean you do look familiar."

"I'm a little older perhaps," she said. "Maybe I've even filled out more than in my younger days when you worked here, and I came through that very door, cold and hungry."

"Ma'am?" the officer said questioningly. He couldn't believe that such a magnificently turned out woman could ever have been hungry.

"I was just out of college," the woman began. "I had come to the city looking for a job, but I couldn't find anything. Finally I was down to my last few cents and had been kicked out of my apartment. I walked the streets for days. It was February and I was cold and nearly starving. I saw this place and walked in on the off chance that I could get something to eat."

Jack lit up with a smile. "Now I remember," he said.. "I was behind the serving counter. You came up and asked me if you could work for something to eat. I said that it was against company policy."

"I know," the woman continued. "Then you made me the biggest roast beef sandwich that I had ever seen, gave me a cup of coffee, and told me to go over to a corner table and enjoy it. I was afraid that you would get into trouble... Then, when I looked over and saw you put the price of my food in the cash register, I knew then that everything would be all right."

"So you started your own business?" Old Jack said.

"I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up. Eventually I started my own business that, with the help of God, prospered." She opened her purse and pulled out a business card.. "When you are finished here, I want you to pay a visit to a Mr. Lyons...He's the personnel director of my company. I'll go talk to him now and I'm certain he'll find something for you to do around the office." She smiled. "I think he might even find the funds to give you a little advance so that you can buy some clothes and get a place to live until you get on your feet... If you ever need anything, my door is always opened to you."

There were tears in the old man's eyes. "How can I ever thank you?" he said.

"Don't thank me," the woman answered. "To God goes the glory. Thank Jesus...... He led me to you."

Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman paused at the entrance before going their separate ways....

"Thank you for all your help, officer," she said.

"On the contrary, Ms. Eddy," he answered. "Thank you. I saw a miracle today, something that I will never forget. And.. And thank you for the coffee."

God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor.

If you believe, send it.

If you don't believe, delete it.

God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close..

If you need God to open some doors for you...send this on.

I found this on Facebook:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mary & Martha - Lessons from Two Sisters

Profiles of Faith: Mary and Martha - Lessons from Two Sisters

In a world filled with distractions, the story of Mary and Martha can help you set your life in order.

Jesus and His disciples arrived at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha about mealtime. It was Martha who invited them in. Nothing is said in the Bible account about the cordial greetings they exchanged, but an important lesson was recorded during that visit that should positively affect us.
Notice the exchange between Jesus and Martha: "She [Martha] had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, 'Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.' And Jesus answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken from her' " (Luke 10:39-42).
Scripture doesn't record whether Jesus' response made a lasting impression on Martha's understanding, but we can hope this spiritual lesson—so inseparably linked to our priorities—will favorably impact us.
What did Mary have that Martha needed? What was the "good part" Mary chose? Why will the good part that Mary chose remain hers forever?
In a world filled with distractions, the story of Mary and Martha can help you set your life in order.

Home away from home

The Gospels record that Jesus felt comfortable in the home of Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus. The four weren't just acquaintances; they were close friends.
Earlier, when Jesus had come to resurrect Lazarus from the dead, He showed great respect and love for Mary and Martha (John 11:3, 20-39). They spoke to Jesus as if He were a part of their immediate family. Jesus was so troubled by their anguish over their brother's death that He was moved to tears before raising Lazarus to life again (verse 33).
Luke's account also shows the closeness between Jesus and this family. "Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house" (Luke 10:38). Jesus was at ease with Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Their home, at Bethany just outside Jerusalem, might have been considered Jesus' home away from home.
But, though Jesus felt a deep affinity for all three, their personalities and perspectives differed.

Martha's view of life

When we visit friends and relatives we have a good idea of how they think and act. Jesus was no different. He appreciated the differences among His three friends and felt comfortable enough to offer constructive advice as to their priorities.
Martha's outlook on life was quite different from Mary's. It is possible that Martha was older and that her age figured into her personality and perspective. Martha's words and actions depict her as practical and efficient. Nothing is wrong with being practical and efficient if it doesn't interfere with the more important things in life. If it does, it can become a problem. God recorded important examples for us in Scripture (1 Corinthians 10:11), so we can learn from Martha's and Mary's recorded actions.
Martha appears to be the leader and the more hospitable and social of the two: "Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house" (Luke 10:38).

Mary's outlook

"And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word" (verse 39). If one were to read no further, one could assume Mary may have been a little lazy, leaving the needs of hospitality and hostess to her gregarious sister. It was Martha who invited Jesus into their home. It was Mary who simply sat at Jesus' feet, listening to Him talk. Who was the more hospitable, the more sociable? Who was more concerned about serving her Savior, Martha or Mary?
Maybe Mary was shy. But we should consider Jesus' evaluation of Mary's actions. "But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, 'Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.' And Jesus answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her' " (Luke 10:40-42).
To better understand Mary's actions, let's read details in John's account of that same visit.
"Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus [and the disciples] came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him. Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil" (John 12:1-3).
John emphasizes here that Mary was so humble, convicted and dedicated to Jesus and His teachings that no expense or personal act was too great or demanding for her to honor her Savior. This attitude, outlook and perspective is the kind of approach God desires in all His disciples. Jesus highly regarded Mary's approach.
It is illuminating to contrast Mary's reverence with Martha's demeanor. Martha was so comfortable with Jesus that she openly included Him in her frustration. Her words "Do You not care?" and "My sister has left me to serve alone" show her frustration. For Martha to intimate that Jesus didn't care whether Mary was not helping shows both a close relationship and considerable forthrightness. Martha didn't suggest to Jesus that He ask Mary to help her; she told Him directly to "tell her to help me." Martha put the onus of responsibility for serving a meal, to her the most important of all responsibilities, on Jesus.
Jesus responded forthrightly but tenderly: "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things" (Luke 10:41). Martha was fretting over something quite important to her: providing a meal for Jesus and His disciples. But how important was this compared with other priorities?

Choices in life

Jesus continued: "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her" (verse 42).
Jesus said Mary made a conscious decision between two alternatives: She chose listening to Jesus over preparation of a meal. This may sound strange to those who, like Martha, think meal preparation is more important than visiting. But couldn't that depend on who the guest is? The most pressing need in Martha's eyes was that of preparing a meal for Jesus and His disciples. Mary saw this situation differently. She chose to listen to the wisdom of Jesus, her Saviour, while she had the opportunity.
People make choices. They are a part of life. The prophet Moses declared: "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19). Our daily choices affect our lives, and the end result of this life is determined by the choices we make every day. Jesus said Mary chose "that good part."

The good part we need

We have to make a choice as to whether we seek the good part. Jesus tells us our highest priority in life should be to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . . ." (Matthew 6:33).
He also gives us guidance in how to do that: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" (Luke 4:4; compare Deuteronomy 8:3). He adds, "The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).
For Mary, Martha, Lazarus and the 12 disciples, the Word of God was in their presence in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14-15). Apparently Mary knew that Jesus' words were the most important needs of her life. Jesus recognized this when He reminded Martha that her life was taken up with many secondary needs, but her greatest need was that which Mary acknowledged: the words of eternal life (John 6:68).
The book of Hebrews tells us the importance of hearing and heeding the words of life: "Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him" (Hebrews 2:1-3).

The good part lasts forever

What did Jesus mean when He spoke of "that good part, which will not be taken away from her"? (Luke 10:42). The apostle John answers this question: "All that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever" (1 John 2:16-17; compare 2 Peter 3:10-12).
God's truth and laws will abide forever. Our bodies won't last forever, for they must be replaced with spirit bodies. The spiritual knowledge we accumulate in this life will be ours forever, never taken away from us. But we must not allow physical needs and duties to consume us.
Like Mary, we need patient faith, that in a world hell-bent on destruction, filled with frivolous trappings and empty, momentary sensual pleasures we can keep the good part forever: "Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12).
Mary and Martha were Jesus' good friends. Martha stayed busy supplying her guests with things that made their visit more comfortable. She should be commended for seeing to the important needs of others.
But Jesus commended her sister Mary. Jesus noted, in effect, that Martha stayed busy with form, but that Mary concentrated on substance. He commended Mary for choosing the good part, the holy words, truth and faith of Jesus Christ, which will never be taken from her. We should follow Mary's example and desire God's truth above everything else.

article by Jerold Aust
found this online at

What is True Freedom?

FREEDOM - the ability to sacrifice

(scene: several rows of chairs facing podium)
(Student and an unspecified number of other students carrying Bibles enter one or two at a time, sit, leaving chair closest to audience empty, except in the first row, where Student sits)
TEACHER -- (enters carrying Bible and notes, crosses to podium) Hello everybody.
ALL -- (shout various greetings)
TEACHER -- Did you all study this week's scripture passages?
ALL -- (shout various affirmatives)
TEACHER -- Good. Let's study the Bible then. Open to Galatians 5:1.
(all comply)
TEACHER -- Who wants to read the verse?
(several raise hands)
TEACHER -- (points) Okay.
STUDENT -- (stands) "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free."
BAG LADY -- (enters pushing loaded shopping cart or carrying several bulging bags)
TEACHER -- May I help you?
BAG LADY -- Ah, no, it... it started raining outside so I came in to keep dry. Am I interrupting something?
TEACHER -- This is a Bible study. Would you like to join us?
BAG LADY -- Oh,... sure. (leaves bags, sits in last row closest to audience, begins silently begging for money from a student in the row ahead)
TEACHER -- Please read the verse again.
STUDENT -- "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free."
TEACHER -- While you're up, why don't you read John 8:36 too?
STUDENT -- Oh, sure. (flips quickly to marked pages) "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed". (sits)
BAG LADY -- (stands, bends, begs more aggressively for money from the student in the row ahead)
TEACHER -- Okay. Can anyone tell us what freedom is? (points at Bag lady) Yes, would you like to tell us what freedom is?
BAG LADY -- Who? Me?
TEACHER -- Yes. Can you tell us what freedom is?
BAG LADY -- (straightens) Yes, well, I'd say I'm pretty much an expert on freedom. Freedom is not being tied down... you know, tied down to house payments and car payments, and utility bills. I'd say it's not being shackled by house work and paper work and school work. (moves forward one row, sits, begins begging for money from the student in the row ahead)
TEACHER -- Is that all there is to freedom in your opinion?
BAG LADY -- (oblivious, stands bending, points to own open palm, begs silently)
TEACHER -- I say, is it your opinion that that's all there is to freedom?
BAG LADY -- (straightens) Oh, you're talking to me?
BAG LADY -- Oh, there's a lot more to freedom. I'd say freedom is also not being a slave to fashion, like being able to wear a white dress after labour day or being able to order red wine with fish. (moves forward one row, sits, begs for money from the row ahead)
TEACHER -- I see. And would you say that your lifestyle characterizes freedom?
BAG LADY -- (oblivious, stands bending, points to own open palm, begs silently)
TEACHER -- I say, would you say that your lifestyle characterizes freedom?
BAG LADY -- (straightens) Oh, you're talking to me?
BAG LADY -- Oh. Yeah. I'd say that freedom doesn't get much more free than me. I mean, I don't punch a time clock. (moves forward one row, sits, begs for money from Student in front row)
TEACHER -- Does anyone else think they know what freedom is?
STUDENT -- (raises hand)
STUDENT -- (stands) I think when we talk about freedom, we should look to Jesus for an example.
TEACHER -- And how did Jesus exhibit freedom?
STUDENT -- In two ways, I think. First, freedom is upward mobility, the ability to do great things. For example, Jesus was a carpenter by trade, yet, he became so famous that they changed the calendar to start at the date of his birth and they still celebrate both his birth and his death all around the world to this day. (sits)
TEACHER -- (point to Bag lady) What about you? Do you think your brand of freedom gives you upward mobility? Do you have the expectation of greatness?
BAG LADY -- Not unless an armoured truck spills its load.
TEACHER -- Okay, (points to Student) you mentioned TWO ways Jesus exhibited freedom.
STUDENT -- (stands) Oh, yes, the other freedom is the freedom to give up small things in order to reach for greater things.
TEACHER -- Can you give us an example?
STUDENT -- Yes. Jesus was God. He had all the power in the universe, but he gave it up and relied on God the Father as his source of power in order to make us all free.
TEACHER -- Good. How about another example?
STUDENT -- Sure. Jesus gave up his life in order to give us life for all eternity.
TEACHER -- Two good examples of freedom. (points to Bag lady) How about you?
BAG LADY -- What about me?
TEACHER -- You said you exhibit freedom. What freedoms could you give up to achieve even greater freedoms?
BAG LADY -- I don't have anything to give up.
TEACHER -- Then, can you say that you are truly free?
BAG LADY -- (crossing to exit) I'm free to leave.
TEACHER -- But it's raining outside.
BAG LADY -- (turns) Yeah, well, what do you want for nothing? (exits)
ALL -- (exit opposite praising Student)
-Bob Snook-

Please comment and share with me ...  and others who read this ... what in your opinion would you say is true freedom?

Picture found on Google 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Martha worried and upset about many things

(scene: one chair DC)
MARY ----- (enters running, crosses to opposite exit shouting) Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! Lazarus, Martha, Jesus is coming!
LAZARUS -- (enters with open arms, crosses to Jesus) Jesus, welcome back!
JESUS ---- (enters with open arms) Lazarus, my friend. It's good to see you. (hugs)
LAZARUS -- Welcome to my home. It's so good to see you.
MARY ----- (enters backward, pulling Martha) Come quickly! Jesus is here!
MARTHA --- (enters, sewing costume) I haven't finished sewing these costumes yet. I'm not ready.
MARY ----- (runs to Jesus with open arms) Oh, Jesus, you always stay away too long.
JESUS ---- Mary, you are always a ray of sunshine. How nice to see you again. (hugs) And Martha, I see you're busy as always. (hugs)
MARTHA --- The house is a mess. I hope you'll forgive us. If we'd known you were coming we could have.... (exits sewing)
LAZARUS -- Martha, please! His time is too valuable for us to bother him with the mundane details of housekeeping. (to Jesus, points to chair) Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. Please, sit. Tell us about your ministry. (sits on floor)
MARY ----- (sits on floor) Yes, please! Tells us more about the kingdom of God.
JESUS ---- (sits) What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches.
MARY ----- (pause) Who's line is it?
LAZARUS -- It's Martha line. Where is Martha?
DIRECTOR - (enters through audience, approaches stage) Cut! Cut! Stop! People, can't we get all the way through this rehearsal without an interruption? Where is Martha? Martha?!
MARTHA --- (enters sewing costume) Did someone call me?
DIRECTOR - Yes, you missed your entrance, AGAIN!
MARTHA --- I'm sorry. I was just sewing this costume. (holds it up) How do you like it so far? I thought the piping around the collar really added something, don't you?
DIRECTOR - Martha! I've told you three times, Jesus' costume is just fine. Oh, and by the way, your line on your first entrance is (looks at script) "I'm right in the middle of preparing dinner." not (imitating) "I haven't finished sewing these costumes yet. I'm not ready."
MARTHA --- Well, I'm NOT ready. I think Jesus' costume would look much better with piping around the collar.
DIRECTOR - (impatient and emphatic) Martha, forget the costume and get back into character. We have only a few minutes before curtain time. Let's not forget what's important.
MARTHA --- Oh, alright.
DIRECTOR - (backs away) Let's take it from Jesus' monologue.
MARTHA --- (sewing) So, I'm supposed to be offstage now, right?
DIRECTOR - Martha!
MARTHA --- (exiting sewing) I'm going. I'm going.
JESUS ---- What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches.
MARTHA --- (enters sewing, distracted) Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? (bites thread) Tell her to help me!
JESUS ---- Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not....
MARTHA --- (to Mary) Mary, can you turn toward the audience a little more? (turns Mary's shoulders)
JESUS ---- taken away from her.
DIRECTOR - Cut! Cut! Stop! Martha, what are you doing?!
MARTHA --- Well, I worked extra hard to make Mary's costume look pretty and I was just having her turn so the audience will be able to see....
DIRECTOR - Martha!
MARTHA --- What? I was just...
DIRECTOR - Martha!
MARTHA --- Alright, I'm listening.
DIRECTOR - Jesus, say your line to Martha again. Martha, listen to this.
MARTHA --- Shall I go offstage again?
DIRECTOR - No, this is not the rehearsal. I want you to hear the words of Jesus. (points to Jesus) Go.
JESUS ---- Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.
DIRECTOR - Are you listening, Martha?
MARTHA --- To what?
DIRECTOR - (to Jesus) Say it again.
JESUS ---- Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.
DIRECTOR - Do I need to have him say the line again?
MARTHA --- No. You made your point.
DIRECTOR - And what's my point?
MARTHA --- It's the words of Jesus that are important, not the silly costumes. (tosses costume into audience) I'm sorry. I'm just like the Martha in the Bible, aren't I?
DIRECTOR - (smiles) That's why I cast you in the part.
MARTHA --- (heartfelt) The words of Jesus are really powerful, aren't they?
JESUS ---- She has chosen what is right.
DIRECTOR - Alright, everybody, we don't have time for another run through, but I think the audience will get the message. (exiting) Clear the stage. (all exit talking among themselves)

Luke 10:38-42 (NKJV)
38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.
39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word.
40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.”
41 And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.
42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Show and Tell

Dying to know 
more about time 

BOB -- (enters briskly, carrying day-timer, goes up to desk) Hi, I'm here to see.... Say, who AM I here to see?
SUE -- Well, what does it say in your appointment book?
BOB -- (opens day-timer, looks up in confusion) Nothing. It's blank.
SUE -- I'm sorry, the boss doesn't see anyone without an appointment. What did you say your name was, sir?
BOB -- The name's Johnson, Bob Johnson.... If I don't have an appointment, then what am I doing here at.... Gee, my watch stopped. What's going on here? My watch is stopped and my appointment book is completely blank after 10am today. I don't have another appointment.... for the rest of the year.
SUE -- For the rest of eternity, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Robert Edward Johnson, formerly of Mission Viejo, California.
BOB -- Formerly? I still live in Mission.... Say, wait a minute, am I ....
SUE -- As a door nail, Mr. Johnson.
BOB -- Now I remember! It was those stairs. I was late for an appointment with Pritzger at Consolidated. I didn't want to wait for that slow elevator, so I decided to RUN up two fights of stairs.
SUE -- Says here you died of a massive heart attack, Mr Johnson.
BOB -- I always intended to exercise regularly, but I just never seemed to have the time for it.
SUE -- You'll have plenty of time for exercise here, Mr Johnson. As you have already noticed, we've cleared your calendar for you. Would you prefer walking, running, swimming or high or low impact aerobics?
BOB -- Linda loves aerobics. Does it three or four days a week. She's probably at an aerobics class right now.
SUE -- No, Mr. Johnson, our computer show your wife at your lawyer's office at this moment.
Time has a Way of Getting Away from Us
BOB -- That's my Linda! Always so unpredictable. I'm gonna miss her.... What's she doing at my lawyer's offices.
SUE -- Filing for divorce.
BOB -- Divorce! I had no idea!
SUE -- She says "He's never home. Always at this meeting or that. When he does come home, he's too tired for me or the boys"
BOB -- I'm a very busy man!
SUE -- Not anymore.
BOB -- Well, those meetings were very important!
SUE -- Not anymore.
BOB -- A man's gotta make a living!
SUE -- Not anymore.
BOB -- We've got a big house and a nice car.
SUE -- Not anymore.
BOB -- We've got a 50-foot sloop tied up at Dana Point Harbour.
SUE -- Did you take your boys sailing?
BOB -- I was going to take them out on Saturday.
SUE -- Before we cleared your schedule, your calendar for Saturday, read "Pro AM, Pebble Beach, 11am tee off." Were you going sailing on a golf course, Mr Johnsom?
BOB -- I've waited for four years to play golf with the PGA pros. This year my company is a sponsor, so I get to play with the big boys!
SUE -- What about the little boys, Mr Johnson?
BOB -- Well, the boat will always be there, we can go sailing any time.
SUE -- Not anymore.
BOB -- Alright! You've made your point. I was too busy to play with my kids.
SUE -- And spend time with your wife.
BOB -- And spend time with my wife.
SUE -- And exercise regularly.
BOB -- And exercise regularly.
SUE -- Well, you won't have time for those other things here but you will have time to exercise. Did you prefer walking, running, swimming or high or low impact aerobics Mr Johnson?
BOB -- How about golf? I always thought heaven would be a million golf courses with no sand traps. A hand-carved ivory driver. A platinum pitching wedge. A solid gold putter.
SUE -- The boss will see you now. (gestures off stage)
BOB -- Gee, I... I've never done this before. How do I address him, "your highness", "your majesty", "your grace"?
SUE -- Mr Lucifer will suffice.
BOB -- Lucifer!? As in the... you know what?
SUE -- Our records show that in addition to taking no time for your family nor for your health, you spent very little time in church, and you certainly made no commitment to your creator.
BOB -- Wull, I was going to do that as soon as my life was a little more calm.
SUE -- It's too late, Mr Johnson, I'm afraid you let the urgent things in your life crowd out the important things.
-Bob Snook-
Show and Tell

How much time do we make for our families? Do they know that we love them? Are we showing it daily with our actions AND words? Or is it all just a guessing game? Are we consistent with our love to our family?

We need to make time for the ones we love today because we may not have a tomorrow to show and tell them how much they mean to us and how much we love them.

Slipping Through My Fingers 

Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
I watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness
And I have to sit down for a while
The feeling that I'm losing her forever
And without really entering her world
I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
That funny little girl

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time

Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
Barely awake, I let precious time go by
Then when she's gone there's that odd melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt I can't deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go
(slipping through my fingers all the time)
Well, some of that we did but most we didn't
And why I just don't know

Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time

Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers...

Slipping through my fingers all the time

Schoolbag in hand she leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile...